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Herdís Björk Þórðardóttir

artist + graphic designer

MA Illustration student 

contact info:

(354) 862 1770


Hello and thank you for visiting my site. I am currently working on updating it so please apologize for any flaws.

I am Icelandic, graduated as a fine artist in 2003, got my teacher's certificate in 2009, and graduated as a graphic designer in 2011. I have lived all over the place, in the USA, Italy, and in Denmark as well as various places in Iceland, but now I'm living in Akureyri, Iceland, where I was born. 


Twice a year I teach a course at Akureyri School of Fine Art (Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri) and I'm currently also a student myself. I'm a MA student in Illustration at Falmouth University (UK). Since my work has lately been illustration based I'm hoping to add more illustration work on this site - when I find the time for it ;)


2019- Teaching part time at Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri School of Visual Arts).

2018-2021 ÓMUR Yoga- and Gong center. Taught different types of yoga - Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra being my favorite.

2016-2018 Taught History of Art- and Design at Menntaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri Junior College).


2013-2016 Founded Appia (software company) in company with Björn Gíslason and Matthías Rögnvaldsson, with the main goal to get the app 2know up and running. 

2013-2015 Teaching at Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri School of Visual Arts).

2011-  Working freelance as well as working on my own design and product line: Bimbi

Among customers:  Óðinsauga (book publishing), Menntaskólinn á Akureyri, Gámaþjónustan, Tækifæri, Sagaplast, ITH Starfsmannaþjónusta, Siena Consulting (Norway), Grenndargralið, Sagnalist...

education & awards

​2013 Received an award (3rd place) in company with Björn Gíslason and Matthías Rögnvaldsson for at Startup Weekend Akureyri

2011 Received an award from Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri School of Visual Arts), for my final project: Bimbi

2011 Graduated from Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri School of Visual Arts), Graphic Design

2009 Graduated from the Háskólinn á Akureyri (University of Akureyri), Faculty of Education

2003 Graduated from Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri School of Visual Arts), Fine Arts 

2000 Graduated from Menntaskólinn á Akureyri (Akureyri Junior College)​

1992-1999 Art courses at: Liceo Artistico (Piacenza, Italy), Northern Essex Community College (Newburyport, MA, USA), Myndlistaskólinn í Reykjavík, Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholt, Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri



2021  Mjólkurbúðin, Myndlistafélagið, Group Exhibition "Grasgrænt".

2015  Listasafnið á Akureyri, NOT - 5 designers from the North

2014  Epal design store, Design March - 30 designers

2014  Salur MyndlistafélagsinsThe Visual Artists Society, Kræsingar, Group Exhibition 

2013  Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Collection, Italy

2013  Handverk og Hönnun, Design and Crafts, Reykjvík

2013  Salur Myndlistafélagsins, The Visual Artists Society, Group Exhibition 

2011  Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri, Graduation Exhibition - Graphic Design

2009  Kaffi Karólína, Solo Exhibition
2004  Geimstofan hönnunarhús, Group Exhibition - Rex & Pex
2003  Ketilhúsið, Myndlistaskólinn á Akureyri, Graduation Exhibition - Fine Art
2003  Gallerí Gersemi, Student Exhibition at a local gallery
2002  Landsbankinn, Group 
Exhibition at Landsbankinn Bank
2001  Ketilhúsið, 10×10, Group Exhibition 
2000  Safnasafnið, Student Exhibition
1999  Deiglan, Young Artists, Listasumar
á Akureyri





  • Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna (SÍM) / The Associaton of Icelandic Visual Artists

  • Félag Íslenskra Teiknara (FÍT) / Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers

  • Myndlistarfélagið / The Artists’ Society in Akureyri

  • Gilfélagið / The Gil Society in Akureyri





2011, May 28th Graduation work featured in an online newspaper

2011, May 23th Article on graduation work in Fréttablaðið newspaper and online on
pdf version:

2011 Umfjöllun um Vorsýningu MyndAk í Vikudegi​ birtist 19. maí 2011 í Vikudegi. Umfjöllun um útskriftarsýningu Myndlistaskólans á Akureyri - mynd af Bimbibásnum!


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